July 14, 2023
Congress Returns to Washington with Much to Do & Little Time: Congress returns to Washington with many business items to tend to following a Fourth of July recess. Top on the list of items it must address is establishing spending priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins October 1. The House and Senate are expected to hold an extended district work period during the month of August, which limits the number of legislative work days adding to the urgency of the fiscal year timeline. Also of importance is the 2023 farm bill as many important provisions, including commodity title programs, are set to expire after this crop year. The appropriations process, particularly floor consideration of the Agriculture Appropriations measures, could serve as a trial balloon for many farm bill related proposals. More...WSJ | Reuters | Agri-Pulse
House and Senate Take Different Paths on Spending Bills: As the September 30th fiscal year deadline approaches, both the House and Senate are advancing appropriation measures to provide spending levels for the upcoming year. The two bodies are taking widely different approaches to these measures, which is setting up for a challenging environment for reaching agreement. The House, under Republican leadership, has proposed to largely advance spending measures that include deep spending cuts, while the Senate, under Democratic leadership, has proposed budgets with much smaller reductions in spending levels. More...House Appropriations | Senate Appropriations | CRS Appropriations Tracker
Torres Small Confirmed by Senate for USDA Deputy Secretary Post: On July 11, 2023, the U.S. Senate voted to approve Xochitl Torres Small to be Deputy Secretary of Agriculture at the USDA placing her second in command behind Secretary Tom Vilsack. The appointment by President Biden was broadly praised by the agriculture industry. She previously served as Director of Rural Development for the USDA since being appointed to that post in October 2021. More...Agri-Pulse | USDA Statement | Boozman/Stabenow Statement
USDA Announces $300 Million for Quantifying GHG Related to Agriculture: On Wednesday, July 12, Secretary Tom Vilsack announced plans for the USDA to utilize $300 million in funds from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) improve measurement, monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration in climate-smart agriculture and forestry. According to USDA, the Inflation Reduction Act provided nearly $20 billion in overall investments to advance climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices with goals of achieving a 50-52 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 2005 levels. The Department is accepting public comments on its strategy to meet these objectives. More...USDA Announcement | Agri-Pulse | DTNPF | Federal Strategy to Reduce GHG in Ag & Forestry | Public Comment on Strategy | July 21 USDA Webinar | FACA Statement
Ag Groups Launch Joint Campaign for Farm Bill: On July 12, a group of over 20 national agriculture and food advocacy organizations joined in announcing the launching of a joint campaign to support the development of the next farm bill. The join advocacy effort includes a website ( detailing the importance of the farm bill to American families. The effort is part of a larger campaign to encourage Congressional support for passing a strong farm bill for farmers and American families. More...Farm Bill for America's Families | Twitter | AgFax | Farm Bureau | MorningAgClips
Grassley Pushes to Stop USDA Use of CCC Funds for Climate Initiatives: On July 11th, U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) announced with two other Republican members of the Senate Agriculture Committee the introduction of new legislation that aims to prevent USDA from using Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) funds for climate initiatives without prior approval of Congress. The Biden Administration has utilized funding provided to the CCC by Congress for climate related programs including the Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry (CSAF) grant programs. More...Grassley Press Release | Bill Text | Bill Tracker (S.2244)
New Bill Filed in U.S. House to Address Foreign Ownership of Farmland: On July 12th, members of the House Select Committee on the CCP announced the introduction of new legislation to give the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) jurisdiction over all land purchases by foreign adversary entities and require mandatory CFIUS filing for foreign adversary entities making land purchases near sensitive sites, including all military facilities. This bill, which is primarily aimed at addressing growing concerns with China, would mark the first change to CFIUS' mandate since 2018. More...Agri-Pulse | News Release | WashingtonPost | Bill Tracker (H.R.4577) | House Select Committee on CCP
Senate Ag Committee to Hold Farm Bill Hearing on Rural Water: U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee leaders announced plans to hold a subcommittee hearing July 19th on rural water issues and the farm bill. The hearing is the latest in a series covering various titles and programs of the farm bill. More...Hearing Announcement | Hearing Info
Newly Released Study Estimates Cost of Potential Ban on Glyphosate: On June 5, Aimpoint Research released a new report estimating the impact that a potential ban on the glyphosate herbicides, which are commonly used primarily under the RoundUp brand. The report estimated the environmental, social, and economic impacts that would come from a potential ban of the popular herbicide which has come under scrutiny with a range of lawsuits and court rulings related to the product. According to the report, such a ban would create significant environmental challenges, economic challenges, and societal challenges. More...AgWeb | Agri-Pulse | Aimpoint Release | Aimpoint Research Report
Ag Law Center Hosting WOTUS Webinar July 19: On July 19, the National Agriculture Law Center will host a webinar offering the latest legal and regulatory issues related to the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule and the Clean Water Act (CWA). The webinar will provide an overview of the recent Supreme Court ruling, ongoing litigation, legislative perspectives, and efforts of the Biden administration to update the rule. More...News Release | Registration Link
Members Encouraged to Apply for Service on State Boards and Commissions: We strongly encourage Ag Council members to apply for public service on various agriculture related state boards and commissions which serve important roles for our industry. We stand ready to help our members navigate the application and appointment process. More... | Application Portal | Office of Governor Homepage
Arkansas Cotton Farmers Now Able to Register for Trust Protocol Payment Program: Arkansas cotton producers can apply through September 1, 2023, for the Climate Smart Cotton Program, a five-year project led by the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol. The program aims to incentivize farmers to participate in the Trust Protocol System, which was created by the U.S. cotton industry to measure and improve the industry’s carbon footprint while building on the four pillars of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices. Participating producers will receive technical and financial support as well as other benefits that can enhance their operations, profitability, and environmental stewardship. More...Youtube Video | Trust Protocol Homepage
Governor Appoints New Game & Fish Commissioner: On July 5th, Governor Sarah Sanders announced the appointment of Brandon Adams of Fayetteville to serve on the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. He replaces Bobby Martin whose seven year term expired. Adams, a nursing home executive and businessman, is an avid hunter and landowner, and he's a lead investor in Banded Brands and Avery Outdoors companies. More...Governor News Release | TalkBusiness | ArkansasBusiness | ArkansasOnline | AGFC Commissioners
Ag Council to Hold Next Board Meeting in Stuttgart August 21: The Ag Council board of directors will hold its next meeting on Monday, August 21, at the University of Arkansas Rice Research and Extension Center in Stuttgart. The meeting will begin at 9:00am and adjourn following lunch. The agenda is expected to include panel discussions on state and federal issues impacting the row crop industry with special guests. More...Meeting Announcement
Cotton Producer Information Exchange (PIE) Tour Signup Deadline July 17: The Cotton Foundation is accepting up to 3 participants from Arkansas to join the Producer Information Exchange (PIE) tour with other Mid-South growers to South Texas August 20-25. The application deadline for participation is July 17. To participate, individuals must be 21 years or older and involved in cotton production in Arkansas. The grower exchange program is sponsored by BASF. More...2023 PIE Tour Info | Cotton Foundation | National Cotton Council
USA Rice Accepting Applications for Rice Foundation Leadership Program: USA Rice recently announced that the Rice Foundation is now accepting applications for its rice leadership program, which is sponsored by John Deere Company, RiceTec and American Commodity Company. The Rice Leadership Development Program gives future leaders a comprehensive understanding of the rice industry, with an emphasis on personal development and communication skills. The class attends four one-week sessions over a two-year period that encompasses studies of all aspects of the rice industry through firsthand observations. They also attend seminars and workshops designed to strengthen leadership skills. Applications are accepted now through September 8th. More...USA Rice Leadership Program | Application Form
Grow for the Green Soybean Yield Challenge Accepting Entries Through August 1: The Arkansas soybean yield challenge, known as "Grow For The Green," is accepting contest entries through August 1. The initiative, funded with farmer check-off funds, is a cooperative arrangement between the Arkansas Soybean Research & Promotion Board, the Arkansas Soybean Association, and the University of Arkansas. The effort is aimed at researching ways of enhancing yield potential for Arkansas farmers. Top yield producers from designated zones receive cash prizes. More...Grow For The Green Homepage | Announcement | Entry Form
Arkansas Rice to Celebrate Research History at Field Day in Stuttgart: The USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is celebrating the 25th year of the Dale Bumpers Rice Research Center as part of the upcoming Arkansas Rice Field Day Events to be held August 2nd and 3rd in Stuttgart in partnership with the University of Arkansas System's Division of Agriculture. The Bumpers Rice Research Center will host an open house and reception on the afternoon of the 2nd and cooperate with the University on field tours the morning of August 3rd. The University research center is next door to the USDA research center. The events are open to the public. More...UA Field Day Info | Information Page | RSVP Form
Wilson to Host Cotton Festival: Wilson, Arkansas, intends to play host a new festival September 16th that will focus on the community's rich history related to cotton. According to the community's website, the festival will be known as Cotton Fest and will feature live music, food, and fireworks. The community also saw a new hotel and golf course open this summer to add to its growing collection of tourist attractions. More...Event Page | City of Wilson | Hospitality Options
Additional Arkansas Ag Resources:
Ag Council Leadership Opportunities
Apply for Service on State Boards & Commissions
USDA NRCS Arkansas Offices
UADA Crop Budgets
Arkansas Row Crop Risk Management
Pine Tree Discoloration & Mortality Reporting
Feral Hog Task Force
2023 Arkansas Grown Publication
Digital Edition of Delta Farm Press
USDA Releases July WASDE Report: On Friday, June 30th, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Issued its June Crop Acreage Report. The report estimates crop acres for the 2023 crop year. According to the report, for Arkansas, cotton acres are down 25 percent, rice is up 19 percent, corn is up 25 percent, and soybeans are down 9 percent. More... WASDE Report | WASDE Visualization | Secretary Briefing | AgWeb | StoneX Video (Password: WA-re12)
July 10 Crop Progress Report: On Monday, July 10th, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) issued a Crop Progress Report for Arkansas showing 92 percent of the corn crop to be in fair to excellent condition, 94 percent of the cotton crop to be in fair to excellent condition, 90 percent of soybeans to be in fair to excellent condition, 94 percent of rice to be in fair to excellent condition, and 90 percent of peanuts to be in fair to excellent condition. Recent weather events have led to a slight decline in crop conditions as weather stress and other issues have caused some damage. However, growing conditions continue to be favorable for most of the state. More... Arkansas Report | US Report
Seal of Cotton Celebrates 50 Years: Fifty years ago, in 1973, the iconic Seal of Cotton trademark was created. Today, the image is globally recognized by the textile industry, and it's an influential symbol for consumers with most consumers recognizing the trademarked seal with affection as it represents the most comfortable, softest, and the most versatile fiber. The efforts behind the seal of cotton are led by cotton farmers and the cotton industry which continues to invest in research and promotion to advance the industry. More...TextileWorld | CottonIncorporated | History of CottonInc
July 14th UofA Arkansas Rice Update: Arkansas-Crops
DTN Market Insights: Commodity Market Info
Arkansas Economic Profile: 2022 Pocket Facts - News | USDA Arkansas Ag Economic Overview | Arkansas Ag Census Data | Arkansas Historical Data | Arkansas Farms & Land Report | Arkansas Land Values & Cash Rent Report
Arkansas Farm Labor Report
UofA Crop Updates | UofA Land Grant Research & Extension Service Video