The Pecan Research and Promotion program, led by the American Pecan Promotion Board, is in the process of completing the first collection of assessments for the program, which was established by USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) following a request for establishing a program from the National Pecan Federation (NPF). The program is designed to strengthen the position of pecans in the marketplace, maintain and expand markets for pecans, and develop new uses for pecans.
The program is financed by an assessment on domestic producers and importers of pecans. The initial assessment rate is $0.02 per pound on inshell pecans and $0.04 per pound on shelled pecans. Handlers will collect assessments from producers based on pounds of pecans received and importers will pay assessments on pecans when they enter the United States.
Entities that produce or import less than 50,000 pounds of inshell pecans, 25,000 pounds of shelled pecans, or a combination of the two, on average for four fiscal periods will be exempt from paying assessments. If combining shelled and inshell, pounds must be converted to either inshell or shelled and cannot exceed the threshold.
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